Research projects
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
- Project FW01010167 (2020-2022): Dermatological products for sensitive skin (principal investigator: AQM s.r.o., Bohumín; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
- Project TH01011148 (2015-2018): Development of a new generation of biofilm probiotics on combined carriers with high bioactivity (principal investigator: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology s.r.o.; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
- Project TH01010612 (2015-2018): The new generation of the superabsorbent for the production of women's sanitary napkins (principal investigator: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology s.r.o.; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
- Czech Antarctic Research Programme 2023 (VAN 2023) (principal investigator: D. Nývlt; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
- FRVŠ 424 (2013): Introduction of a new methods for characterisation of yeasts in microbiology education (principal investigator: Department of Microbiology, MU; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
- Project OPVK, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0183 (2012-2015): Centre of experimental biomedicine (co-investigator: I. Sedláček, P. Švec, J. Černohlávková, T. Gelbíčová).
- FRVŠ 1626 (2012): Automatic biotyping and genotyping of prokaryotes – microbiology teaching innovation (principal investigator: I. Sedláček; co-investigator: P. Švec).
- Project NPV II, 2B08068 (2008-2011): Research into possibilities of application both automated and semi-automated methods for identification and describing new microorganisms with probiotic properties with aim to extend specific genetic sources for civilizing diseases prevention (GASTROPROBIO) (principal investigator: MILCOM Tábor; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, P. Švec).
- FRVŠ 1918 (2008): MALDI-MS in taxonomy of prokaryotes – microbiology teaching innovation (principal investigator: I. Sedláček).
- Programme 8d (2007): Consolidation of Masaryk University departments with higher risk level and their technical retrofitting – Centre MU for biological, chemical, radiation and working security (CEBE 2007) (principal investigator: rector´s office MU; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
- FRVŠ 2658 (2006): Ribotyping and whole-cell protein analysis as the approaches to classify staphylococci and micrococci (principal investigator: D. Nováková).
- Long-term Research Plan MSM 0021622416 (2005-2011): Diversity of biotic communities and populations: causal analysis of variation in space and time (principal investigator: Department of Botany and Zoology MU; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, P. Švec, D. Nováková, M. Laichmanová).
- Research Centre Project 1M0528 (2005-2009): Dental research centre (principal investigator: Faculty of Medicine MU; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, D. Nováková, P. Švec).
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Project KJB600930613 (2006-2008): Diversity of cultivable microorganisms of ixodid ticks, recognized vectors of vertebrate pathogens (principal investigator: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; co-investigator: P. Švec, D. Nováková, I. Sedláček).
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
- Project FT-TA/018 (2004-2007): Preservation of concrete foundation of constructions against biocorrosion (principal investigator: VUSH Brno; co-investigator: H. Štegnerová).
National Agency of Agriculture Research
- Project QE1382 (2001-2005): Probiotics in milk products and their influence on food quality and human health (principal investigator: MILCOM Tábor; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, P. Švec).
- Project EP0960979637 (1996-1997): Comparison and evaluation of microbiological numeric identification methods (principal investigator: VÚCHS Rapotín; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
- Project IE0940964036 (1994-1996): Determination of main pathogens in raw milk samples, detection of problem sources and hygienic evaluation (principal investigator: VÚCHS Rapotín; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
Czech Science Foundation
- Project 310/09/0459 (2009-2011): Role of bacteriophages in horizontal transfer of virulence and drug resistance genes in Staphylococcus aureus (principal investigator: Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology MU; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, P. Švec).
- Project 310/09/0657 (2009-2010): Molecular taxonomy of Gram-positive bacteria isolated from early childhood caries (principal investigator: P. Švec; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, M. Kosina).
- Project 204/02/D099 (2002-2005): Database of the ribotype profiles of bacterial type strains (principal investigator: P. Švec).
- Project 301/02/1505 (2002-2004): Molecular diagnostic, epidemiology and classification of pathogenic Gram positive cocci (principal investigator: I. Sedláček; co-investigator: V. Štětina, P. Švec).
- Project 104/02/0665 (2002-2004): Design and performance of biotrickling filter treating volatile pollutants in waste gases (principal investigator: VŠCHT Praha; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, P. Švec).
Project 301/97/1192 (1997-1999): Molecular identification and diagnostics of staphylococci causing nosocomial infections. (principal investigator: Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology MU; co-investigator: I. Sedláček, P. Švec).
National Agency of Ministry of Health
- Project NR 8011-2/2004 (2004-2005): Identification of Aeromonas spp. isolated from clinical material (principal investigator: ZÚ Ostrava; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
Project 3151-5 (1995-1999): Strategy of treatment and prevention of multiple cariosity in children (principal investigator: Faculty of Medicine MU; co-investigator: I. Sedláček).
Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship Czech Republic
- AIP ČR project no. 164 (2002-2003): Characterization of bacteriocin-producing environmental enterococcal and staphylococcal strains and their evaluation for biological decontamination of waste. (principal investigator: I. Sedláček, co-investigators: P. Švec and V. Štětina).
MU Development Fund
- Project MUNI/FR/0938/2016 (2017): Taxonomy of pathogenic bacteria - a new course of Medical genetics and molecular diagnostics study programme (principal investigator: P. Švec).